Smoky Days

For the past 2 weeks it’s been awful smoky, unhealthy air, here in the foothills of N. California. South of Grass Valley in Southern Nevada County to be more exact. Some days better than others. I live between 2 of the many wildfires burning in California. The Yuba River Complex is about 20 miles NE of me and is a series of 25 fires caused by lightening strikes which have burned about 3,800 acres and is 95% contained. The American River Complex, 20 miles SE, is a series of 10 fires which have burned 7,600 acres and is only 25% contained. Luckily only one home has been destroyed by these two fires, but many more threatened and many evacuated.

It’s a beautiful place to live, but the threat of wildfires are a constant fact of life this time of the year. Here is a view from my home this morning, the distant hills can no longer be seen.