Sonya’s Dance Performance

Bear River High School dance classes held their one big dance performance of the year on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. Sonya, my 2nd oldest daughter, performed beautifully in many of the dances. She and the other girls worked soooo hard all year long to prepare for the performances. She lives for dance! Friday evening I went to watch her perform and take a few photos. I saw my friend Tommy Gleason there who takes photos for dancers at Center of the Arts and other venues around the county. He had tons of great photos for sale in the lobby.
Sonya thought she had a terrific performance on Thurs, but battled a cold on Fri and didn’t think it was perfect enough as her energy was sapped. It didn’t seem low energy to me in the photos below that I took. I’m very proud of her determination, passion, and incredible talent!